Friday 19 October 2012

Candy Mold Tips - Avoiding A Sticky Situation

Candy molds are made of either silicone, plastic, or metal. Silicone candy molds are the most durable and are the best choice for cooking candy. However, if silicone molds are unavailable metal molds are the next best choice. Plastic molds are not a good choice due to the fact their material tends to disintegrate over time from the extreme heat of the candy mixture.

If the candy mixture sticks to the waxed paper then, as a result, a thin wax film will develop and adhere to the candy after it has cooled. If using aluminum foil, one tip you can use is to place the candy in the freezer for fifteen minutes. This will harden the candy even further and facilitate removing the candy from the aluminum foil.

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Knowing the Molds That Shape Them

Candy molds are very essential in the home candy making process. This is primarily because they give shape and form to the candies you are making. If you do not use any mold, your candy will surely look like a gooey mess. Have you seen Slimer from the Ghostbusters? I hope you have because not using molds will make your candies look exactly like him. Indeed, the appearance and presentation of your homemade candies will matter and you will need to purchase the right candy molds for this so that your candies will give off the right appeal.

How to Make Candy?

When the days of Christmas draw nearer children are so excited and they are so interested to try something different. Some children fancy decorating Christmas trees and some are interested in preparing Christmas cards. Most of the girl kiddos prefer making Christmas candies and they really enjoy doing it.

Stretch your candy making horizons by creating something distinctive! You could, perhaps, concoct chocolate sea shells, using a shell you collected as the pattern, for serving at a beach party. If there are no adequate molds available where you ordinarily buy candy molds and supplies, or your object is unique, you can learn how to make candy molds to achieve your goal.